August 5, 2010

Surfing Truth

When I started this Surfer Joe blog I wrote a personal photo philosophy, it's at the top right of the page. In part it says:
"I also shoot all kinds of conditions. From ankle high to way overhead, from onshore and grey to offshore and perfect. The consistently perfect waves so common in surf mags often leave us with unrealistic expectations of what good surf is. It doesn't have to be 6 feet and slabbing to have fun. Surfer Joe features everyday surfers enjoying everyday conditions. I hope it makes you feel like surfing."
But I've come to realise this is only partly true. When I trawl through my photos looking for something to post I can't help gravitating towards photos of better waves and conditions. It is true there are very few large and perfect waves, but there are also very few completely unappealing, small, onshore, grey waves either. Whatever the type of waves featured I am sure of two things; it's about everyday surfers and I hope it makes you feel like surfing.

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