January 30, 2012

La Niña

She's responsible for the often grey and wet summer we've had, not to mention the pretty underwhelming waves on this part of the coast... Oh well, at least the water temp is magic and my garden's nice and green, plus Autumn and Winter will be here before long.

January 25, 2012

January 20, 2012

Spring Surprise

With no work on this Spring day I was stoked to see this peak as I rolled up to the beach. It's great when an obligation free morning and a fresh swell coincide!

January 11, 2012

Rubbered Up

Blue skies, clean conditions and cold water.

January 9, 2012


Congratulations Mia on your great results : )

January 6, 2012

Winter Blues

Winter blue hues from way back in 2011.

January 4, 2012

Summer Grey

No shortage of grey days this Summer. Just the other week, just around the corner, at least it was clean and uncrowded.

January 1, 2012

Water Time

Happy new year surfer joes. Here's hoping we're all lucky enough to while away hours floating around and staring at the horizon plenty more this year.